The Law of attraction isn't 'new age' junk, as has been suggested, or not so much 'new age' as long held beliefs only being unravelled once again in recent times because of the manner in which they were stamped out of the human psyche a long time ago. From the time of the Roman Empire and the birth of christianity, until the present time, humanity was for a long long time FORBIDDEN from even speaking about this stuff! If we were unfortunate enough to have been born a few hundred years earlier, we would be signing our death warrants just for even daring to think this way!
However the underlying roots of all of these teachings are the vaery same principles which have been at the heart of earlier forms and beliefs in Judaism, Kaballah and even christianity, and you will find echoes of the principles littered throughout the bible as well. The difficulty is that most modern thinkers don't quite know how to explain it best or put it into it's proper and rightful perspective. Let me clarify that I am NOT referring to the modern teachings of these disciplines, nor am I referring to Britney and madonnas version of Kabbalah, I am referring more along the lines of the stuff taught by Carlos Saures and others - the REALLY mystical stuff!
NLP, Hypnotherapy, and even the Quantum Physics stuff, including the versions peddled by Ramtha et al ,only really does permit us to ask the question "What the BLEEP do we know" ! Indeed, when we are really only scratching the surface, o it is not really a lot, and humanity still has a great deal to RE- learn concerning these things.
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The ideaology behind many of these 'teachings' is no different from those espoused by none other than Jesus Christ. Now I don't buy into religion, but that don't mean I knock the things the man said, and I am speaking as one brought up with much of the phoney hypocritical side of religion stuffed down my throat.
The fundamentals are exactly what JC taught regarding all things, in other words, in order for something to become a reality in your own existence, the fundamental requirement is that you MUST believe that it is possible so to do - and belief means a belief so deep rooted that it is echoed with EVERY fibre of your being - biblically that would be 'with all of your heart, with all of your mind and with all of your soul' - as in the way that we are required to love god.
Let's look at some evidence to back this up, just from the bible alone, and then see what it means:
(You can get an online bible here for the references if you are really interested: )
"He that believeth (on) me, the things that I do shall he do also" (Jesus Christ - John 14v12)
"Jesus said unto him, If thou cans't believe, all things are possible to him that believeth" ( Mark 9:23)
"For verily I say unto you, that whosoever... (shall say unto this mountain be thou removed and be thou cast into the sea, and shall not doubt in his heart)... but shall believe that those things which he saith shall come to pass, he shall have whatsoever he saith." ( Mark 11:23 ; mark 11:22; Matthew 21:21 and many more!)
Making it clear that 'FAITH' (belief, believe, believing etc) is essential to every 'miracle' of creating.
The contrary notion is also clearly evidenced in the bible, showing that Jesus wasn't in fact the 'miracle' creator that religion paints him as, but that the individuals on whom the 'miracle' was being performed was primarily involved in the outcome:
"And he (Jesus) did not many mighty works there because of their unbelief." (Matthew 13:58)
Faith can be establish in thought word or deed.
"As he thinketh in his heart, so shall he be" - (Solomon - Proverbs 27v3)
"Whatsoeve a man soweth, the same shall he also reap"
One of my favorites:
"Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen" (hebrews 11v1)
How can there be 'substance' and 'evidence' of something that is not yet seen $%: Clearly alluding to the notion of 'thought' being a 'spiritual' power, or as quantum theory would put it, it is an 'energy'.
These are just SOME of the many many little gems of these teachings which have existed for thousands and thousands of years, but which men were forbidden from discussing or teaching by 'the church', and where anbody who discussed anything different from what the church allowed was tortured or killed!
The bottom line is, as many modern writers have quoted from ancient sources, whether you believe it will or whether you believe it will not, either way, YOU ARE RIGHT!
The idea of 'believing' or 'creating' within your own 'reality' that you can 'win the lottery' as someone joked about earlier, is not so much that this is not possible, but is dependent on whether one truly does believe this is a possibility, and the reasons behind why it could become a possibility - in other WHY would you want to win the lottery$%:
Just to be filthy rich$%: Just to prove that some 'theory' works $%: Either reason would invalidate the many other laws and principles which govern these things, again you could look to the bible and you would find answers:
"thou shalt not tempt the Lord thy God" ( cant work just to prove a theory)
"The love of money is the root of all evil" ( cant work just to be filthy rich)
"You ask and receive not, because ye ask amiss" (cant work for any improper or immoral purpose)
Each of these responses is dependent upon conditions of the heart and mind. With these properly aligned for all of the right purposes and with absolute belief that it could happen, then that lottery win can be achieved. If it didn;t happen, then that was because in your mind you wanted it to be, and with your mind you sought to convince your heart that your reasons for it were 'genuine' and 'bona fide', but ultimately, the universe (and god) knows the truth for 'it is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart', and it also tells us that 'the heart is deceitful and desperately wicked above all things' and that a 'mans heart deceiveth him' !!
There's a lot more to all of this than just saying little repetitous words, and just 'thinking' the right things. there has to be real commitment, sincerity, and so many other of those 'biblical' principles behind them for these things to be achieved.
Most of the 'new ager' guru's and teachers haven't quite caught up on these aspects of it yet.